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Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Thought I knew....

I thought I knew what the bible was about and what salvation was. After a fashion and trying Christianity I came to the conclusion that it was a big bunch of hooey.
Living in terrible circumstances, beaten by a drunk husband, couldn't hold a job, wearing rags most of the time, fired from my job while pregnant, homeless, hungry, eating out of dumpsters, trying to raise a son with no money and no help, abandoned by my mother and other family. I started going to church and I made a profession. I was told, accept Jesus into your heart and your life will be better. Tithe and you'll get it back 100 fold. Pray for that unsaved abusive husband and he'll get saved and you'll have the man of your dreams and you'll have a happy, prosperous healthy family.

What lies are told in the name of Christ!
I finally heard the REAL gospel of Jesus Christ and it tells us that our lives may not get better here on this earth but we will be laying up treasures in heaven.
Found out that we are promised persecution, tribulation, and trials while here on earth, that this earth is not our home and we are but strangers in it.
That our lives are but a vapor and pass quickly and any troubles or suffering we have while hear do not even compare with the riches of Christ's glory when we are with Him.
I found out that our real treasure is Christ and to be with Him and in communion with Him is better than ANY personal possession in the whole of the universe.
I found out that I am a radically depraved person that was born that way and had broken God's laws so many times that I deserved death and hell as punishment.
I was such a liar, resented anyone that had more than I did, bitter and full of hatred toward those that I had perceived had wronged me. I hated God and told Him so on many occasion, turned against Him all together and worshiped other gods.
It only took one sin for Adam and Eve to be thrown out of the garden of Eden and I had committed so many there was no counting them.
If I had of died then I would have gone straight to hell and rightly so.
Then Jesus! sweet Lord and savior.
God demanded my punishment for breaking His Law....Jesus stepped in and paid my fine. Became sin for me, and took the wrath of God that was reserved for me upon Himself. He suffered my punishment!!! Why? Love....He loved me!
I repented of my sins...turned away from them and trusted Jesus for my salvation.
He changed me, gave me a new heart, my desires for the things of this world are dim, and my desire is for Him.....Thank you Lord!

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